Cle microsoft word 2019
Cle microsoft word 2019

cle microsoft word 2019

states and territories have adopted in some form, impose a basic duty of competence on practicing lawyers. The Model Rules of Professional Conduct, which almost all U.S.

cle microsoft word 2019

Legal Ethics Mandates Technology Competency In this article, we’ll break down three overarching reasons as to why it is critical for all state bars to require technology CLEs to encourage an elevated level of competency among their members and improve the quality of legal services for consumers in their respective states. For some attorneys, attaining basic technology competence can be as simple as using electronic calendaring to better manage their caseload and client communications, leveraging Outlook folders and safety features, or incorporating new legal technology platforms to automate basic processes like accessing legal data. The good news is that becoming conversant in technology is far easier than most lawyers think. This should also not be a matter of checking a compliance box, but rather, should go beyond minimum competency to encourage proficiency. state should require licensed attorneys to complete at least one hour of technology training per year in order to promote increased technological competence among lawyers. As such, the technology CLE requirement is not gratuitous, but absolutely essential. With technology rapidly changing the legal landscape, no modern lawyer can afford to ignore it. The technology CLE requirement will likely vary state by state as others adopt it, but it largely requires education in IT, cybersecurity, and various technology devices, platforms, tools, and methodologies applicable to practicing law. The Southeast has led the charge in imposing this new requirement, with Florida requiring three technology credit hours every three years, and North Carolina following suit with a one-hour annual requirement. Two states now require a mandatory technology hour for continuing legal education credit, on top of ethics, substance abuse, and other annually or biannually required topics.

Cle microsoft word 2019