In case of emergencies open the door next to the Speed Cola machine run into the hall way with the electric barrier and camp in there for the rest of the game. 3 people stays in the kitchen and 1 person stays at the window behind the Speed Cola machine. After everyone has good guns and perks you can open the door in the power room. From the juggernog room you need about 2500 points to get to the power room (room with glowing blue lights). First thing is who ever is on the quick revive side DO NOT OPEN ANY DOORS! Who ever is on the juggernog room opens all of the places. Important notice: make sure you are playing with 4 people with mics that actually listen to you. You shouldnt depend on Max Ammos all the time). BAR should be on always if you dont have a Ray Gun or MG, because ammo is a few steps away from the camping spot.

(Thompson shouldnt be used passed a certain level. stay in that corner, and you can easily get up to round 30 if you get lucky with max ammos. this will bring death upon everyone there….

whatever you do, do not open the staircase that says “YOU MUST ASCEND FROM THE DARKNESS”. – at round 15, go up to the place on the map that I marked camping spot. If you dont have a good gun, use an M1 Carbine until you get one. everyone should then go to the box and get good guns. – after you finish round 4 make sure you make a crawler (throw a grenade close to the zombie until its crawling), have the person with the most points open the HELP door for 1000 points. Round 2 you shoot them 6 times then knife. – On round 1 you shoot them about 4 times then knife them. After you get 4 people with mics that know how to cooperate, start it up. If you arent you’ll only get to something like round 10. The first thing you should do is make sure you are playing on Xbox live. This page will cover strategies for getting to the highest level possible in a nazi zombies match.